Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Summer Internships in Laser Science and Engineering

The Army Research Laboratory’s Advanced Solid-State Lasers Team is involved in creating enabling technology for high power lasers.  Research topics vary over time, but typically include solid-state lasers at cryogenic temperatures, ceramic laser gain media, eye-safer laser concepts, spectroscopy of novel laser materials, fiber lasers, and stimulated Brillouin scattering.  One to three students will be hired as summer interns in 2019.  We are seeking undergraduate and graduate student candidates in physics, electrical engineering, materials sciences, and optics, who are U.S. citizens.  Dual citizenship or permanent residence status is insufficient.  First-time participants must have at least one full year of school to complete following the summer of 2019.  For more information, or to submit a résumé and transcript, send email to DEscholars@arl.army.mil. Applicants should state in the email that they meet both the citizenship and continuing education requirements.  To receive full consideration, applications should be received by February 15, 2019.  Program sponsored by the Directed Energy Professional Society www.deps.org.  This research is pursued at ARL’s facility in Adelphi, MD.

Apply here: