Thursday, March 19, 2015

Internship at Salvo Technologies

This is from Igor at Experiential Learning:

Salvo Technologies is looking for two Optical Technician Interns for the summer so I wanted to touch bases. If any undergraduate students are looking for a summer internship that you know of I would be happy to make a referral. Please feel free to share my contact information with any student questions. The position is posted under #27675 on PlacePro.

Thank you,

Igor Volkov
Faculty Coordinator, Office of Experiential Learning
University of Central Florida

Changes to PR Requirements for EEE and EEL Courses

See message from ECE that impacts courses in the PSE program:

See Mike McKee for any issues about these changes within the PSE program.

Dear ECE Students:

Please be advised that the prerequisites for 5 Junior level required courses have been changed.  These changes will take effect with the new academic calendar in Summer 2015Courses which require any of the following listed courses as prerequisites now require a grade of “C” (2.0) or better be awarded in the prerequisite courses.  This list of courses is as follows:

EGN3211 Engineering Analysis and Computation

EEL3004C Electrical Networks

EEE3342C Digital Systems

EEL3123C Networks and Systems

EEL3801C Computer Organization

As an example, if you try to register for the EEL4205 Electric Machines class in Fall of 2015, and you received a grade of C- or lower in EEL3004C during Spring of 2015, you will meet the program requirement for EEL3004C, but you will not be able to register for EEL4205 since you do not meet the prerequisite requirements for EEL4205.  Another example is if you are taking EEL3801C this term, Spring 2015, and you make a grade of C- or lower, you will not be able to register for EEL4742C in Summer 2015 or Fall 2015.

Therefore, beginning in the Summer 2015 semester you will need to repeat any of these 5 courses in which you have earned a grade of C- or lower, in order to then enroll in any classes which list these courses as prerequisites.

These changes are for prerequisites only, and apply to all catalog years current and previous, but do not affect your catalog year degree requirements.  

Monday, March 16, 2015

Research Experience for Undergrads

The Missouri University of Science and Technology will be hosting the REU Site in Additive Manufacturing this summer ( We are looking for exceptional undergraduate students, particularly those underrepresented in engineering, to conduct research with us this summer. Could you please forward this message and attachments to potential students and post this brochure? Thank you very much for your time and consideration in this matter.


Dr. Robert G. Landers
Professor of Mechanical Engineering
Associate Chair for Graduate Affairs
Missouri University of Science and Technology
(formerly University of Missouri-Rolla)
Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
194C Toomey Hall
400 West 13th Street
Rolla, Missouri 65409-0050
Phone: (573) 341-4586
Fax: (573) 341-6899