Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Internship at the Institute for Simulation and Training

PHSE undergrads may apply for the Co-op position shown below, as IST will accept applicants majoring in engineering or photonics science and engineering, mathematics or physics.   They expect to hire at least two students.
The Institute for Simulation and Training (IST) at the University of Central Florida (UCF) is looking for student support, preferably undergraduate students, sophomores, juniors and seniors, but graduate students may also apply, as an Advanced Technologies Research Assistant supporting the US Army Simulation & Training Technology Center (STTC) in the Research Park.  These positions support research under the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA).  Students pursuing a degree in a science discipline are preferred.  Some software or graphical programming desired.  Duties and responsibilities of the position include:
Research and Development (R&D) Support.  Support includes, but is not solely limited to, support for R&D in the areas of decision support, cognitive neuroscience, robotics, social network analysis, medical research, advanced physics, team and individual training, sensor exploitation, information processing, material science, hardware and software development.  Students provide support to staff in the following areas:
  1. Conduct research, present findings, and provide technical expertise, supervision and technical management in support of these efforts. 
  2. Support performance measurement and metrics collection as required in facilitating process improvements.
  3. Independent (Institutional) Review Board (IRB) Application, Preparation for Protocol Review and Approval. 
Knowledge of C++, Java, Microsoft Office including EXCEL is a plus.
Students are exposed to a variety of cutting-edge technologies and have a great deal of autonomy and responsibility for carrying out assigned tasks. 
*Security clearance and U.S. citizenship is required due to job location.
The positions are in support of the U.S. Army.  Students work in the Army facility in the Central Florida Research Park (UCF).  Salary:  $14.00 to negotiable 15 to 20 hrs/wk.  
(*U.S. citizenship)
*Students may apply by going to  ​

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

*Optics Day at CREOL

One of the world's leading institutions for research and education in optics and photonics is right here at UCF – CREOL. On Friday, April 4th 10 am – 4 pm , CREOL (The College of Optics and Photonics) is opening its doors for a fun-filled day of lab tours, optic demos, exciting talks, and prizes. Optics and photonics is a crucial field in today's modern age, enabling the high-speed internet in your home with fiber optics, or correcting a patient's vision with lasers. Optics Day allows a peek at where these future technologies are created. Ever seen a real-life hologram? Or the individual LCD pixels on your iPhone? Optics Day is guaranteed to be a fascinating, interactive, and educational experience!

Schools with grades 6-12 are welcome to sign up for a visit from 10 am – 1 pm. Open to the public and UCF students from 1 pm – 4 pm. 

There will be tours every hour of the world's best laboratories, engaging talks every hour explaining unique phenomenon, and optics demos spread all over the CREOL lobby to stun your senses. Don't miss out, RSVP at to reserve your spot!​

*Get To Know Photonics at UCF

​How do Lasers Solve Crimes - A crime is committed, glass is broken, and a suspect is arrested.  But how do they know the suspect committed the crime?  Find out how lasers are used to solve these mysteries!
Friday March 28, 3:00 - 4:00 pm, CREOL 103.  Presented by Dr. Matthieu Baudelet, Research Assistant Professor, Secondary Joint appointment at the National Center for Forensic Science.

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Directed Energy Internships in Laser Science and Technology

The Army Research Laboratory Electro-optics and Photonics Division is involved in creating enabling technology for high energy lasers.  Research topics include solid-state lasers at cryogenic temperatures, ceramic laser gain media, eye-safer laser concepts, spectroscopy of novel laser materials, fiber lasers, stimulated Brillouin scattering, and coherent beam combining. 3-4 students will be hired as summer interns in 2014.

We are seeking undergraduate and graduate student candidates in physics, electrical engineering, materials sciences, and optics, who are U.S. citizens. First-time participants must have at least one full year of school to complete following the summer of 2014. For more information, send an email to To apply, send an email with a résumé, cover letter, unofficial transcript, names of
2 references, and their email addresses. To receive full consideration, applications should be received by February 28, 2014.  Program sponsored by the Directed Energy Professional Society

Jeffrey O. White, OSA Fellow
Army Research Lab, RDRL-SEE-M
2800 Powder Mill Rd, Adelphi, MD 20783-1197

Monday, February 3, 2014

More Scholarships!

Submitted By: Carol Wyatt on behalf of Bob Holmes, Vice President, Development and Alumni Affairs, and CEO, UCF Foundation, Inc.
Submitted For: UCF Alumni Association
Subject: UCF Alumni Association Scholarships

Each year the UCF Alumni Association awards more than $40,000 in scholarships to UCF students demonstrating strong academic ability and significant extracurricular and community involvement. The UCF Alumni Association is, once again, pleased to offer more than a dozen scholarship opportunities. UCF students are encouraged to apply for as many scholarships for which they are eligible.

Applications are now available on myUCF.  Apply for scholarships based on eligibility* by following these simple steps:

1.      Read all scholarship criteria and complete ALL required supporting documents prior to submitting your application
2.      Log into myUCF
3.      Select "Student Self Service"
4.      Click on "Scholarship Application" > "Home Page" > "Add New Scholarship"
5.      Complete and submit application(s)

*Scholarships will appear in myUCF based on eligibility requirements specific to each scholarship. Criteria used to determine eligibility includes, but is not limited to: GPA, class standing and academic program.

Be sure to visit for all criteria and application steps for each scholarship.

The deadline to apply is midnight, Saturday, March 15, 2014. Late or incomplete applications will not be considered.

Questions? Call 407.UCF.ALUM (823.2586) or e-mail​