See the attached flyer for more information on this program:
Our program provides significant academic support services to first generation, low-income, or students with disabilities. We are currently recruiting for 2016-2017 with a deadline of March 15. Would you be able to share the attached flyer with your Optics and Photonics undergraduates or with individual students who you think could benefit from the additional academic support? We offer one-on-one tutoring, mentoring, course selection assistance, help applying for financial aid and scholarships, and graduate and professional school preparation opportunities.
We are hoping to strengthen our on-campus partnerships for recruitment as the ability of faculty and advisors in departments to identify students who could benefit from the support is much greater that our mass recruitment efforts. Please let me know if you have any questions or would like to meet to talk about the program benefits and requirements in more detail. Also, if you have any opportunities to speak with students directly about the program I would be happy to do that as well.
Thank you,
Amy Bickel
Assistant Director
University of Central Florida
Howard Phillips Hall, Suite 208
Orlando, Florida 32816-1920
P: 407-823-3287